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Loidhne Extrusion Pròifil uinneag Jwell PVC High Speed

Place of Origin:ChangZhou Sìona
Brand Ainm:JWELL
Modail Àireamh:SJP75/28;SJP93/28; SJZ65/132
teisteanais:CE, ISO
Uidheam òrdugh as ìsle:1 seata
Fiosrachadh Pacaidh:Pacadh màileid
Lìbhrigeadh Time:60 làithean
Riaghailtean Pàigheadh:TT,LC

Cuir fios thugainn
Bhidio obrach toraidh

Place of Origin:ChangZhou Sìona
Brand Ainm:JWELL
Modail Àireamh:SJP75/28;SJP93/28; SJZ65/132
teisteanais:CE, ISO

Tuairisgeul coitcheann:

Jwell window profile extrusion line is one of Jwell’s mature product. We start to make PVC window profile extrusion line in the year of 2000 for our Chinese customer, like Liaoning ZhongWang Group, Wuhu Hailuo Group, Tianjin Jinpeng Group. They are also very big window profile producer in China with over 100sets machines from our company. Right now, PVC window profiles are very popular all over the world. Our window profile machine has also been sold to the countries like Turkey, India, Algeria, Vietnam..etc.

Window Profile2

Window profile

Extrusion line Description:


There are mainly two kinds of extruders for making PVC window profile at this moment. Conical twin screw extruder and parallel twin screw extruder. Parallel twin screw extruder has bigger capacity. The extruders are like SJP75/28, SJP 93/30, SJP 110/28. According to our company’s experience, we suggest our customer use conical twin screw extruder. It can not only save machine’s cost, but also save the formula cost. We suggest customers to use SJZ65/132 and SJZ55/110 or SJZ51/105 to produce window profile. But for making window gasket, we suggest customer to use JWS45/28, JWS65/28 and JWS 90/28 extruder according to different capacity requirement.

Window profile3


Calibration Table:

The standard window profile calibration table is 6meter. If customer wants to use high speed production line, we can design the table with 8 meter or even 11.5meter long. As long as the table material can touch the water, we will design the material as stainless steel to protect the machine from being rusted. The operation table is Swing type which is much easier for the operators to operate the machine than the traditional design. For the vacuum pump and water pump, we are using the best brand in China. We also provide import brand like Sterling Vacuum pump and GRUNDFOS water pump.

Window profile 4


Haul-off unit & Cutter

In recent years, we have made many improvement for our profile extrusion lines. Such as the haul-off unit and cutter. We design an “Integrated “ Haul-off unit and cutter. It can save space for customer. Besides, it also no need to adjust the central when machines arrive at customer’s factory. The haul-off unit is controlled by frequency invertor, which can make sure its speed is synchronized with the extruder. The rubber pad is silicon rubber which can last for at least 5-6 years. For the cutter, we have two designs—Saw cutter and knife cutter (no-dust cutter) with special design dust remove system.

Hauloff cutter

Window profile 5



U PVC window has become a popular material for windows and doors because it does not rot, flake, peel, rust or decompose and is resistant to weathering. It is also tough on impact which adds to its security benefits as well as being able to retain its shape within normal climatic temperatures. It’s also eco-friendly as well as it can be reshaped at a very high temperature – allowing it to be recycled. Replacing your windows can give your home the fresh breath of life it needs and create a home that you feel happy and comfortable in once again. With all the qualities PVC-U offers, it’s no wonder it has become such a popular choice for homeowners with more than 85% of new and replacement window projects using PVC-U.

Window Proflile 5



Leud cinneasachaidh (mm)240240240150*2
Seòrsa extruderSJZ65 / 132SJP75 / 28SJP93 / 28/31SJZ110 / 28
Comas Max.extrusion (kg / h)180-200150-250250-400400-500
Cumhachd motair (kw)37375575
Uisge fuarachadh (m³ / h)77810
Adhar compressor (m³ / min)

Buannachd farpaiseach

Coileanadh agus buannachd:

Is e Jwell an riochdaire innealan eas-tharraing plastaig as motha ann an Sìona. Tha solaraiche seasmhach agus solaraiche àrd-deireadh againn a bheir dhuinn na toraidhean as fheàrr càileachd, leithid an motair, bogsa gèar, invertor, PLC..etc. Chan e a-mhàin gu bheil sinn a ’gealltainn càileachd, ach cuideachd is urrainn dhuinn dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil e 100% fìor. Airson a ’phàirt as cudromaiche, an sgriubha agus am baraille, a rinn sinn leinn fhìn. A bharrachd air an sin, tha an t-seirbheis às-reic as fheàrr againn. Tha còrr air 300 neach seirbheis às-reic againn a dh ’fhaodas an t-seirbheis às-reic a dhèanamh do luchd-ceannach air feadh an t-saoghail. Mar a thuirt aon den neach-ceannach Iapanach againn: “Ge bith càite a bheil mac an duine, ge bith càite am faic thu Jwell People”. A ’taghadh Jwell, a’ taghadh soirbheachas. Tha sinn a ’coimhead air adhart ri bhith a’ co-obrachadh leat gus eag-slabhraidh eas-chruthach cruinne àrd tuigseach a thogail còmhla!

JWELL MACHINERY (CHANGZHOU) CO., LTD. na ionad ro-innleachd leasachaidh eile de Shanghai JWELL Machinery Co., ltd, a ’suidheachadh aig pàirc gnìomhachais àrd-theicneòlas Jiangsu zhongguancun, baile mòr Liyang, sgìre Jiangsu, neach-saothrachaidh àrd-theicneòlas a tha a’ speisealachadh ann an rannsachadh agus leasachadh uidheamachd eas-tharraing plastaig. Tha farsaingeachd an fhactaraidh 400 acair; Tha R&D àrd-teisteanasach againn agus sgioba innleadair meacanaigeach is dealain eòlach a bharrachd air bunait giullachd adhartach agus bùth cruinneachaidh normative. Is e an spiorad iomairt againn "Aire, En - rè, Quick and Orderly", a ’cumail oirnn a’ sgrùdadh raon eas-tharraing ùr. Fàilte mhòr air luchd-ceannach sean is ùr a thighinn a chèilidh oirnn airson sgrùdadh, stiùireadh agus co-obrachadh. Tha sinn toilichte taic chumhachdach a thabhann


Pacadh & Luingearachd

Bidh gach inneal Jwell air a phacaigeadh le màileid fiodha. Airson cuid de phàirtean a bharrachd cudromach, pacaidh sinn leis a ’bhogsa fhiodha. Gus an urrainn dha na h-innealan agus na pàirtean a bharrachd ruighinn air neach-ceannach Sìneach gu sàbhailte. Bidh sinn gu coibhneil ag iarraidh air ar neach-ceannach an àrachas a cheannach mus cuir iad na soithichean.

包装 图 1
包装 图 2
包装 图 3
集装箱 运输 图片 (1)
集装箱 运输 图片 (4)
包装 图 6

Q1: Ciamar as urrainn dhomh pàigheadh ​​agus òrdachadh?
A1: Cho luath ‘s a nì thu soilleir na riatanasan agad agus an loidhne eas-chruthach dearbhte tha e air leth freagarrach dhut. Cuiridh sinn fuasglaidhean teicnigeach agus fàirdeal Proforma thugad. Faodaidh tu pàigheadh ​​tro ghluasad banca TT, LC mar as toil leat.

Q2: Ma lorgas sinn do chunntas banca no post-d eadar-dhealaichte mar a bha sinn roimhe, ciamar a bu chòir dhuinn freagairt?
A2: Feuch nach cuir thu a ’phàigheadh ​​agus seic dùbailte leinn mus cuir thu air dòigh pàigheadh ​​(Bidh mion-fhiosrachadh banca air a liostadh anns a h-uile pìos de fhàirdeal proforma.) 

Q3: Dè cho fada ‘s a tha an ceann-latha lìbhrigidh?
A3: Mar as trice bheir e timcheall air 1 - 4 mìosan an urra ri diofar innealan nuair a gheibhear pàigheadh ​​ro-làimh òrdugh.

Q4: Dè a th 'anns an Òrdugh Àbhaisteach agad?
A4: Aon. Bidh sinn a ’toirt seachad an dà chuid loidhnichean eas-tharraing gnàthaichte agus fuasglaidhean teicnigeach. Cuir fàilte air fios thugainn airson ùr-ghnàthachadh teignigeach no leasachaidhean airson do phlana ceannach san àm ri teachd.   


roinnean teth